Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Khan Academy's JavaScript Coding

So in Ms. Rios' class we are starting a new project in which we sign onto Khan Academy and learn how to do coding/programming. When Ms. Rios first introduced it to us, I immediately took it for granted. I imagined it being very boring and complicated. However, when i began watching the videos and started learning the basics i began to enjoy myself way more than expected.

So far I have learned how to create circles, rectangles, squares, and lines. I've also had the chance to get a bit creative by adding coloring to the images I create. Yesterday, I was challenged to make a dinner plate using coding. It was pretty difficult because I had to include three shapes onto my image. All in all, the challenge was very hands-on and interactive, which was particularly entertaining for me.

Programming lesson on making a dinner plate. 

Throughout the whole programming process, I've realized that math is a huge element involved with programming. Many people take math for granted and always say, "when will I need to know this in real life". Well truth is, we use math in our everyday lives one way or another. Learning how to program and code has given me more of an appreciation for mathematics and has shown me one of its many purposes. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Christmas Break

After much convincing, I began to watch the TV show called Breaking Bad on Netflix. I never would give it a chance when people would encourage me to watch it. However, once I watched the first episode, I was immediately hooked. I could not believe how addicting a TV show could be. I fell in love with the story line and the way the director revealed each character and how most episodes began with a scene that foreshadowed a future conflict or plot. Every single episode kept me on my toes with brand-new drama and strife. This is how I spent my entire Christmas Break.

My Christmas break was pretty boring. I didn't get out of my house much for many reasons, two of which: 1. I have no friends and 2. "I'm the laziest girl on earth" as my mother would say. My Christmas break gained much excitement when I finally decided to start the Breaking Bad series. Just for the record this TV show has already ended on live TV and it is 5 seasons long; 12-15 episodes each: 45-50 minutes for each episode. So if you do the math, you could only imagine how much time I had dedicated to this show. I definitely do not want to spoil it for anyone, so I deciding not to give a summary, however, I will give a small description of what I loved most.
All throughout the show, the director focused on the main characters physical and mental transformation. This technique aroused both a very sympathetic reaction and a ashamed reaction to this newly transformed main character who is a completely different person. Even though, the show ended in a more positive light in which I could once again understand and feel sympathetic towards the decisions of the main character.

Enough with my constant bragging about this award winning show, go try it out for yourself !