These first weeks of classes have been totally new for me. Juggling work and school is certainly something I'm not used to. There is no organization in my life. I can't keep track of when homework is due and that has been my major problem. I even almost forgot about this assignment as well.
To be strictly honest, I hate grammar rules. Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy AP Literature, but all these intricate rules and details to grammar is very hard to get used to. I find myself struggling a lot with grammar rules.
Also, I have basically procrastinated the whole summer work packet. It taunts me every damn day, knowing that I still haven't gotten over with it. While I attempted to complete the assignment, there were moments where I was completely interested in the poems but then as I got to the RA's, I immediately became discouraged and began to refuse to complete it. This is still a working progress.
On the bright side, I really enjoyed the article "How Does A Poem Mean". I admired its comparison to the baseball players in the Bronx. I honestly just wished that more people in the class would have taken that article seriously because it gave a lot of persuasive points, in my opinion, that would have most likely sparked someones interest in writing.
One productive thing that we did this week in class was that we made note cards that represented a different book on one side and on the other side we wrote down important things to consider such as archetypes, symbols and themes. At first I thought it was just a regular assignment but than I realized this would be extremely helpful when studying for the AP Literature exam. On the exam, there is an essay prompt that asks you to write about a book your read this year. The only tricky thing though, is that in order for you to get a good grade on that essay, the book you talk about must be at a high reading level. I believe that by May, our class would be familiar with a ton of challenging books.